Drama - World Premiere

Written and Directed BY Anja Panse   Stage Design ans Costumes Anna Siegrot   Music Sebastian Huber   Premiere 19.2.2020   Location tri-bühne Stuttgart  

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When the master's laboratory opens, we watch Leonardo painting, constructing, loving, despairing, pretending, making music and philosophising. We learn how he works, what a tremendous imagination bubbles and steams inside him, how desperately he seeks sponsors for his unforgotten works. Moments of fate of the versatile Leonardo are told and woven into an atmospherically dense web with live music. Puppeteers bring objects to life. But their puppets are the scientists and artists of modern times, who argue about questions of financial viability, ethics and morality.

The play draws parallels between Leonardo da Vinci's biography and the present day. Contradictions are emphasised and the conflict between a free spirit and economic constraints.

Leonardo's clear view of nature and the role of man in it is highly modern and timeless: "Truly man is the king of all animals, for his cruelty surpasses theirs."


Peter Kaghanovitch as Leonardo da Vinci
Stefani Matkovic
Franziska Sophie Schneider
Sebastian Huber
Arne van Dorsten

From the press

Dass die Inszenierung aber die Doppelnatur des Leonardo aus der Enge des psychoanalytischen Modells befreit, in das Sigmund Freud ihn in einer Monographie zu sperren versucht hat, ist das Verdienst von Anja Panse und von Darstellerin Franziska Sophie Schneider, die den Wiener Analytiker mit charmantem Witz karikiert. Das Stück ist ein Plädoyer für die Vernunft, die das Gegenteil von Kälte und Langeweile ist, für die sie heute gehalten wird. Was wiederum sehr viel über unsere Zeiten aussagt.

Mesut Bayraktar, Junge Welt


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