The new play by TRIPLE A is set in Berlin's Brotfabrik, a romantic cultural venue in Weissensee. It has the strange name "Peace Food or The Last Soup". In fact, there is a large pot of soup on the theatre stage. Behind it is the white cook (Dinah Ehm). She is chopping vegetables, leeks and carrots. While it already smells a bit like broth, two clowns (Anja Panse and Anna Keil) want to make the world a better place. But that only leads to bickering and arguments. Hasn't that always been the case? Yes, of course, we are reminded of Cain and Abel, the brothers in the Old Testament, oh yes, terrible wars at all times and for all kinds of reasons: Greed, ideologies and religions, wounded pride and the many revenges. Despite the horrors of that time, people still do it again and again - like the two clowns in the theatre. If the wise (and white) cook had not brought the two brawlers to their senses, the peace soup would have become inedible. And it wasn't: soon the audience was sitting at the benches and tables brought in, chewing and discussing, praising the lentil dish and the deep, but also entertaining play and its actors (text: Anja Panse - director: Uli Hoch, costume: Dinah Ehm). What do we learn from this? If everyone getsenough to eat and is allowed to speak out, whether it's criticism or praise, there will be no arguments....